Depending upon when you acquired or purchased your Ecolab Common Stock, your cost basis in such stock may be affected by the payment of interim stock splits as described below.

Date Paid Ratio Percent Increase Dividend Factor Cumulative Factor
06 Jun, 2003 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.500000000000
15 Jan, 1998 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.250000000000
18 Jan 1994 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.125000000000
15 Jul, 1986 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.062500000000
15 Jan, 1970 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.031250000000
15 Jul, 1968 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.015625000000
14 Jul, 1967 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.014880953125
15 Jul, 1966 1:2 50% 0.666667 0.009920640377
15 Apr, 1964 1:1 100% 0.500000 0.004960320188
13 Jul, 1962 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.004724114701
15 Jul, 1960 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.004499157083
15 Jul, 1959 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.004284911722
15 Jul 1958 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.004080868511
15 Jul, 1957 1:20 5% 0.952381 0.003886541633
08 Nov, 1956 1:1 100% 0.50000 0.001943270817
05 Dec, 1952 3:1 300% 0.250000 0.000485817704
15, Dec, 1944 5:1 500% 0.166667 0.000080969779

Example of Cumulative Factor

Assume you purchased 100 shares on December 12, 1985 at a price of $40.00 per share. Using the Cumulative Factor of 0.0625 for stock purchased prior to July 15, 1986, your original 100 shares now represents 1,600 shares at an adjusted cost basis equal to: ($40.00 purchase price)x(0.0625 Cumulative Factor)= $2.50 per share.


The above example does not purport to describe cost basis consequences that may apply to specific categories of shareholders. Consult your tax or financial advisor about the appropriate cost basis treatment for your jurisdiction.